When one is asked to think about those individuals that serve and protect their community, most often members of law enforcement come to mind. Many individuals will think of the classic police officer seen in movies, the one that is able to enforce laws, investigate and solve crimes, and ultimately save the day all by his or her self. In reality, police officers are unable to “save the day” without the help of others. They need the assistance and support of multiple disciplines in order to serve and protect their community. One such discipline that aides in providing support is that of the Auxiliary Police Officers.
The Fairview Park Auxiliary Police Association provides the necessary and additional support to those officers of the Fairview Park Police Department. They assist the community in enforcement and hazardous duties and are often called upon to supplement fellow police officers. They are an integral part of the community and help preserve peace and order, prevent crime, and protect life and property all while supporting their fellow officers.
All of the officers in the Fairview Park Auxiliary Police Division volunteer their time and effort. In 2016, these officers provided over 2,100 hours of service to the community. Their service is greatly appreciated by the community, but funding is still needed in order to maintain this division of the department and allow the community to remain “a great place to grow”. Please consider supporting this important division. Donations can be made to Paypal through anyone of the “Donate” buttons on this site or by clicking on the link below.

If you would like to Donate more than $10 please Click Here
The FPAPA is a 501c3 tax exempt organization. Our number is 47-3787712 and our W9 can be found here.